IBM Flows Engine


  • Overview
  • Installation
  • Authentication
  • Getting Started

Authenticate to the CLI

After installing Flows Engine you need to authenticate to the Flows Engine CLI on your local machine.

  1. Visit the Flows Engine dashboard to login or sign up:

    Dashboard homepage

    On this page you can login or sign up using IBM ID or GitHub, no creditcard details are needed:

    Dashboard login or sign up

  2. Once signed into the dashboard, you can find your credentials for authenticating to the CLI:

    Dashboard credentials

    You will need the value for


  3. On your local machine you can now run the following CLI command:

    wxflows login

    The CLI will prompt you for the values of


  4. Verify you're authenticated by running the command:

    wxflows whoami

    Your account details will be printed in the terminal.

You can now proceed to the next section.